Family law brunch - via Zoom - 24 November 11am

The 3PB family law team very much looks forward to welcoming you back to our monthly brunches on Thursday 24 November at 11am for one hour.
This month's webinar will be hosted by 3PB family barristers Amy Beddis and Esther Lieu, who will be partnering with George Mathieson, Divisional Director (Strategic Partnerships) RBC Brewin Dolphin and Consultant to Mathieson Consulting Ltd, to lead an interactive webinar on pensions.
Our panel will seek to address the following current issues:
- McCloud and what do we do about settling cases involving Public Sector pensions
- The current turmoil in private sector defined benefit schemes, and what do we do when our client is suddenly going to get a lot less than they thought
- What are these Galbraith Tables I hear talked about, and does their use have any legal basis.
We would be delighted to see you on Zoom. Please register above so that we know we have enough Zoom spaces.