3PB Private Client update - 9 April at 11am on Zoom

3PB Private Client update - Tuesday 9 April 2024 - 11-12pm on Zoom
You are invited by 3PB's Court of Protection and Probate and Estates teams to a private client case law update on the implications of recent decisions from the Court of Protection and Chancery Division. The webinar will take place via Zoom on 9 April at 11-12.
3PB Court of Protection specialist Matthew Wyard will consider recent property and affairs cases from the Court of Protection, including Irwin Mitchell Trust Corporation v PW & Ors [2024] EWCOP.
3PB Traditional chancery specialist Ashley Blood-Halvorsen will provide an analysis of recent decisions from the Chancery Division including Rea v Rea [2024] EWCA Civ 169 , Leonard v Leonard [2024] EWHC 321, Sim v Pimlott and others [2023] EWHC 2296 (Ch), and Otitoju v Adesanya [2023] EWHC 2665 (Ch).
We would be delighted to see you on Zoom. Please register above so that we know we have enough Zoom spaces available.