3PB Family Law Mediation Debate with VWV, Stone King and Burges Salmon

Motion for debate:
'Separating couples should both be required to attempt mediation to resolve family issues, except where genuine safeguarding issues preclude it.'
Thursday 16 May - 4:30pm on Zoom
You are invited by 3PB's Family Law Team to attend a debate on family mediation with VWV, Stone King and Burges Salmon.
Event format
The event will start with a vote on the motion – your chance to say what you think.
Each of our two speakers will then present their arguments. You will have a chance to put questions / points of view to our speakers and panel members through Zoom's ‘chat’ function.
We will have another vote to see how the arguments may have affected your views and will finish by 6pm. Please join us and have your say.
Our participants:
Event chair: Katie Hanson, Associate at VWV LLP, specialist in divorce and children matters.
For the motion - HH Stephen Wildblood KC, 3PB Associate Member, Private FDR Judge, mediator, children's arbitrator, early neutral evaluator and partner with Dr Freda Gardner in GardnerWildblood LLP (which, through their co-working, seeks to provide separating couples with an alternative to Family Court litigation on issues relating to finance and children). Stephen sits part-time in the Family and High Court (Family Division) and writes in a number of Family Law textbooks, including the Red Book. Currently, he is qualifying to sit as an arbitrator to hear Financial Remedy matters. He also writes and directs plays in order to show the social reality behind the issues that arise in Family proceedings.
Against the motion - Samantha Hickman, Partner and Head of the Family Team at VWV LLP, trained collaborative lawyer and mediator.
Caroline Fell, Partner and Head of Family at Stone King LLP. Solicitor and accredited mediator, specialist in financial mediations, child inclusive mediator.
Rebecca Eels, Partner at Stone King LLP. Solicitor and accredited mediator with over 20 years’ experience in children and financial mediations, PPC and child inclusive mediator.
Mary Gaskins, Director at Burges Salmon LLP. Solicitor and qualified mediator dealing with complex financial issues, children cases and cohabitation disputes.
We would be delighted to see you on Zoom. Please register above so that we know we have enough Zoom spaces available.