Eleanor Marsh reviews the effects on children of delays in court proceedings
21st July 2023

3PB (3 Paper Buildings) family barrister Eleanor Marsh (pictured here) has written a brief guide to delays in court proceedings and whether these are creating a new ‘status quo’ for children and the impact of such delays upon the welfare decisions made at final hearing. This article in the Family Law Journal, published this month, takes a look specifically at s 1(3)(c) of the Children Act 1989: the likely effect on the child of any change in their circumstances, and considers whether the courts can be reluctant to reverse changes to a child’s circumstances which have become longstanding due to delays.
To read the full article if you are a subscriber or to find out more about Family Law and request a free 1-week trial of Family Law Journal (quote: 100482), please click here. This month's issue also features 3PB family barrister Luke Nelson's guide to third-party interests in land during financial remedy proceedings.
Eleanor Marsh has a busy practice with a focus on private law children and financial remedies (including TOLATA disputes).
To contact Eleanor about this article or any other matter, please email her on [email protected]. To instruct her or see about her availability, please contact her clerk Ian Charlton on [email protected] or by calling him on 0121 289 4333.