Employment and Discrimination barrister Daniel Brown co-opted to ELBA Management Committee
28th June 2022

Congratulations to 3PB specialist Employment and Discrimination barrister Daniel Brown (pictured here) on being co-opted to the Employment Law Bar Association (ELBA) management committee.
Daniel represents individuals, businesses and other organisations in Tribunal, Court and Professional Regulatory/Disciplinary proceedings. Daniel has particular expertise in the healthcare sector, having advised and represented professionals including doctors, nurses and midwives as well as NHS Trusts, Regulators and Care Homes.
ELBA was formed in 1994, the Employment Law Bar Association represents and supports UK barristers working in employment law. They are involved in government, and other, consultations as well as supporting members through meetings, dinners and other events. Daniel's role will be promoting and representing ELBA in the East and West Midlands ET Regions.
For more information: http://elba.org.uk/