David started his career as a clerk in 1999 and joined 3PB in June 2024 from a specialist family law chambers in London. He had been latterly their Deputy Senior Clerk and had worked there for the last 24 years. He enjoys a reputation for providing excellent service.
David will be the lead clerk for 3PB's Family Group in London. He manages a diverse set of responsibilities, encompassing daily interactions with instructing solicitors, work allocation, oversight of barristers' schedules, and fee negotiations. He plays a pivotal role in the management of barristers' practices and personal development.
Outside of work, David is a busy family man, married with two young children. In his leisure time, he enjoys racket sports, in particular both padel and regular tennis, in which David captain's a team at weekends. David also plays in the Bar v clerks annual tennis tournament.
David is a proud member of the Institute of Barristers Clerks and Resolution.

"I have found David Sadler in particular to provide good support."
Legal 500, 2023