• jwmc

    3PB announces two new family law barristers

    3PB (3 Paper Buildings) are pleased to announce that two family law barristers in Birmingham have become full tenants of the 270-barrister national chambers. Jane Withington and Maisie Carter (pictured left to right) have successfully completed their respective fixed term tenancy and probationary tenancy. Former solicitor Jane Withington (sol: 2006 and call:2023) has a busy practice focused on private law children and public law care work, where she will represent both professional and lay clients....

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  • rfkdcs

    Three 3PB barristers become members

    3PB are pleased to announce that three barristers have become full tenants of the 270-barrister national chambers. Rhiannon Frowde, Kate Davies and Charlotte Steer (pictured left to right from the top) have all successfully completed their probationary tenancies with 3PB, having done all or some of their pupillages at other chambers. Former medical research fellow Rhiannon Frowde (call:2022) is based from 3PB's London office and will continue to focus on clinical negligence and personal injury...

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  • Robin Pickard photo

    Robin Pickard speaks to Advocate on the benefits of pro bono work as a young barrister

    3PB Barristers’ (3 Paper Buildings) Robin Pickard has spoken to Advocate about his experience of undertaking pro bono work, particularly in the area of employment law, and the advice he would offer to pupils and junior barristers looking to gain similar experience. Robin undertook over 50 hours of pro bono work in 2023, being one of a handful of practitioners that undertook both the Pupil Pledge and the Pro Bono Pledge. In the interview, Robin...

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    3PB nominated for three categories in upcoming Legal Cheek Awards 2024

    We are thrilled to announce that 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) has been nominated in three categories in the Legal Cheek Awards 2024, which are jointly sponsored by BARBRI and BPP University Law School. This year 3PB has been selected in the following categories: Best chambers for quality of work Best chambers for colleague supportiveness Best chambers for legal tech The Legal Cheek Awards’ shortlists are derived from their annual trainee and junior lawyer survey, which...

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  • Simon Astill

    3PB announces record financial results

    National barristers' chambers 3PB (3 Paper Buildings) has announced record financial results in 2023-2024 with turnover of £35.8m and receipts of £36.1m, a rise of 17.8% and 14.3% respectively from last year’s results of £30.4m and £31.6m. Simon Astill, 3PB’s Chief Executive, pictured here, said: “These have been hugely positive twelve months for all our twelve specialist teams. Our strategy of continuing to invest in technology to deliver remote hearings, legal research and resilience in...

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  • AM JW ZT

    3 Paper Buildings (3PB) welcomes three new pupil barristers to its 270-strong barrister ranks today

    The three new pupil barristers starting their twelve-month pupillages with 3PB in April 2024, pictured left to right, are: former TV presenter and broadcaster Anthony Miller who will be focusing on commercial and civil litigation; former Irwin Mitchell in-house advocate Jeremy Warner who will be focusing on personal injury and clinical negligence and former law firm paralegal Zahra Tierney who will be focusing on  property law (particularly residential landlord and tenant issues), commercial law and...

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  • rt lb

    Rosa Thomas and Lucy Bill become members

    3PB are pleased to announce that barristers Rosa Thomas and Lucy Bill (pictured here, left to right) have successfully completed their twelve-month pupillages today and become tenants with the 250-barrister, national chambers. Former Oxford University graduate, public affairs specialist and researcher Rosa Thomas (call:2023) is joining 3PB's London office and will be focusing on employment and discrimination claims as well as disputes in the education sector, following her specialist pupillage at 3PB in these two...

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  • pupillage gateway open 2

    Applications for 3PB’s six pupil barrister vacancies are live on the Pupillage Gateway tomorrow

    3PB is pleased to announce that it is inviting applications for pupillage in April and October 2025 via the Bar Council's Pupillage Gateway. Each of our six pupillages available has an award of £40,000 plus at least £17,000 in benefits. Please apply from 12.01am tomorrow morning, Wednesday 3 January 2024. Our vacancy information is accessible here. To find out more about pupillage at 3PB (3 Paper Buildings), please see here.    

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  • pupillage open evening 2023 website banner

    3PB's 2023 pupillage open evening

    Join us for our annual pupillage open evening to learn about pupillage opportunities at one of the UK's largest chambers. 30 November 2023 | 4:30pm-7:30pm. 3PB offers the chance for pupils to experience many different areas of law across our six national locations. During the evening, you will have the chance to find out about pupillage at 3PB and hear what life is like as a barrister at our set, including opportunities to live and work...

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  • Holly Fagan

    3PB Crime team recruits Holly Fagan

    Criminal law specialist, Holly Fagan, pictured here, has become a member of chambers and will work from 3PB's Winchester office. She will be supported by 3PB's new criminal law and regulatory pupils Kate Davies and Jack Felvus. With a strong following and active client base for a barrister of her level of call, Holly has a busy practice both prosecuting and defending in the Magistrates’ Court and Crown Court across the Western Circuit. Holly has...

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  • New Pupils Oct 23 v2

    3PB welcomes four new 12-month pupil barristers to its 240-strong barrister ranks today

    The four pupils starting their twelve-month pupillages, pictured left to right from the top, are: former global brand strategy director and behavioural science researcher Alice Horn who be focusing on commercial litigation and arbitration; former legal assistant Jack Felvus who will be focusing on public law and regulatory matters and criminal law; fellow legal assistant Laurie-Elizabeth Ketley will be focusing on family law and civil disputes; and former City financial analyst Suffian Hussain who will...

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  • New Pupils

    Four 3PB pupil barristers become members

    3PB are pleased to announce that their four 12-month pupil barristers - Poppy Watson, Liz Adams, Emma Greening and Dr Angel Matoke-Njagi (pictured left to right from the top) - have all successfully completed their pupillages today and become tenants with the 240-barrister, national chambers. Former in-house energy lawyer Poppy Watson (call:2021) is joining 3PB's London office and will be focusing on commercial litigation and arbitration. Former in-house lawyer and domestic violence and disability campaigner...

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