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On 24th November 2016 (London) and 24th January 2017 (Birmingham) HHJ Frances Kirkham presented a talk for the Society of Construction Law and TECBAR entitled ‘Can we trust the experts; focusing on expert evidence in ADR processes’. A proposal was advanced that experts in ADR should provide a declaration, similar to that in CPR 35, to ensure that faith could be had in their evidence. The name of the declaration was chosen by HHJ Kirkham...
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Nigel Lickley QC leading David Reid represented GS who pleaded guilty to Infanticide following the death of her child at birth in April 2016. GS who was originally charged with Murder was sentenced to a community order with a Rehabilitation requirement at the Central Criminal before Mr Justice Nicol. Follow this link to read more.
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3PB Family Barrister Nicola Frost provides an insightful summary of AB (Surrogacy: Domicile) [2016] EWFC 63, an application for parental orders in relation to two children in which the court had to determine whether at least one of the applicants could be said to be ‘domiciled’ in the jurisdiction at the time of the application and at the time of making the order, as required by section 54(4)(b) of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act...
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In her latest article "Mens Rea of Adjudication Notices: Substance and Intent Analysis - Surrey And Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust v. Logan Construction (South East) Ltd [2017] EWHC 17 (TCC)” Katie Lee examines the Court’s approach to ascertaining the validity of payment notices and payless notices, including the impact that intention of the sender plays on the same”.
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3PB Barristers is delighted to announce that Miss Jodie Mittell has been appointed as a part time Deputy District Judge in the Magistrates’ Court.
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Nigel Lickley QC leading Gemma White successfully prosecuted RAD Trading Ltd and company director Darren Manley for selling psychoactive substances ‘Legal Highs’ from their 'Red Eye’ Shop in Oxford in 2014. They were instructed by Oxfordshire County Council Trading standards department. The prosecution was brought under the General Product Safety Regulations 2005. The defendants were sentenced on the 17th January 2017 at Oxford Crown Court. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-38655059
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3PB is pleased to welcome Matthew Curtis (Call 2006), formerly of College Chambers, Southampton. Matthew joins 3PB’s Employment team, based in Winchester. Simon Astill CEO, commented “I am delighted to welcome Matthew to 3PB. It shows the real strength of 3PB when we attract barristers of Matthew’s calibre. I look forward to developing his practice as part of the exciting plans we have for 3PB in 2017”.
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3PB is pleased to welcome Suzanne Coleclough (Call 2005), formerly of St Philips chambers. Suzanne joins 3PB’s Family Law team, based in its Birmingham chambers. Suzanne qualified as a solicitor in 1990 and was a member of the Family Law Panel and Law Society Children Panel. In 2005 she transferred to the bar. Since then Suzanne has continued to specialise in family law, including children and matrimonial finance. Nigel Lickley QC, Head of 3PB, said, “We...
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In her new article "Claiming the Costs of Claims Consultants in Enforcement Proceedings - Octoesse LLP v. Trak Special Projects Limited [2016] EWHC 3180 (TCC)" Katie Lee examines how the costs of claims consultants can be recovered in adjudication enforcement, in light of the latest TCC case on the subject. Click below to read the full article.
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Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing celebrate the launch of "Restrictions on the Use of Land" by 3PB William Webster and Robert Weatherley with a reception in London on 25 January 2017.
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On 9 December 2016 Nick Robinson appeared before the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division), namely Elias LJ, Sweeney J and Judge Dean QC in a renewed application for leave to appeal sentence, leave having been refused by the Single Judge Sir Stephen Silber. Nick successfully persuaded the Full Court to grant leave and subsequently allow the appeal on the basis that the sentence of 12 months’ immediate imprisonment was manifestly excessive and wrong in principle....
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Louis Weston, Head of the 3PB Sports Group, represented the British Horseracing Authority in the re-hearing of the Jim Best case. Best was found in breach of the Rules by a Disciplinary Panel in April 2016 but that decision was set aside following allegations of apparent bias. Following a fresh hearing the BHA Disciplinary Panel found all allegations against him proved and suspended his licence for a period of 6 months. Further details of this...
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