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Alice de Coverley considers the recent Court of Appeal decision in JOHNSON v UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL (2017) (Civ) 17 October 2017 (unreported), concerning the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 and the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. To read Alice's article, please click here.
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Emma Waldron considers the Court of Appeal decision in Howlett (1) Howlett (2) v Davies (1) Ageas Insurance Ltd (2) [2017] EWCA, a case relating to fundamental dishonesty. To read Emma's article, please click here.
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Thomas Evans considers the Supreme Court decision in Armes v Nottinghamshire County Council [2017] UKSC 60, a case concerning the Local Authorities liability for the torts of foster carers. To read Tom's analysis, please click here.
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Following the Welsh Rugby Union's scrapping of the so called ‘Gatland’s Law’ with the result that a number of star players possibly missing out on future international fixtures, including the 2019 Rugby World Cup, 3PB employment barrister Sarah Clarke and Royds Withy King commercial partner Chris Kane examine if the Welsh Rugby Union new selection policy amounts to indirect age discrimination. To read their analysis, please click here.
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Head of 3PB's maritime team David Richards defended the Pilot of the City of Rotterdam in Hull Crown Court on a charge of misconduct endangering a ship following a collision with the Primula Seaways on 3rd December 2015. The prosecution initially alleged a variety of failures by the Pilot but were persuaded that he was subject to ‘Relative Motion Illusion’ caused by the non SOLAS compliant design of the ship’s bridge and bridge windows: the...
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3PB Employment barristers Sarah Clarke and Simon Tibbitts analyse the latest employment law cases, covering: Guidance of whose motivation will be taken into account in determining the “Employer’s” reason for dismissal: Royal Mail Limited v Kamaljeet Jhuti [2017] EWCA Civ 1632 EAT find that relying on previous instances of misconduct, for which no sanction had been applied, does not render a dismissal unfair: NHS 24 v Pillar UKEATS/0005/16/JW Subjecting men and women to the same...
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3PB Barristers' Commercial Law Group brings you the latest Edition of its legal update. Topics: Gavin Hamilton - Scope of Duty and Causation of Loss What can we learn from the Supreme Court about scope of duty & causation of loss? BPE Solicitors-v-Hughes-Holland [2017] UKSC 21 & Globalia Business Travel SAU-v-Fulton Shipping [2017] UKSC 43 To read Gavin Hamilton's analysis, please click here. Seb Oram - Unfair Terms What has changed recently? UCTA 1997: dealing on another’s...
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3PB Barristers welcomed 250 guests from the local legal community to the launch of its new office in The Colmore Building last night (2nd November). The opening of the Birmingham office marks an exciting phase in chamber’s expansion with Birmingham becoming the sixth 3PB location in the UK. Members are able to offer legal advice and advocacy across a wide range of legal services.
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Martin Westgate QC, of Doughty Street Chambers, and Joshua Dubin, of 3PB’s Public & Regulatory Law Group, have won a second Court of Appeal victory in a young Eritrean woman’s challenge to Bedford Borough Council’s refusal to provide her with services. To read more about the case, please click here.
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On Monday 30th October Tom Webb successfully represented the Defendant on appeal against the decision of a district judge made at a stage 3 hearing. The issue concerned the quantum of losses for a holiday that had been ruined by an injury sustained a few days prior to departure. On appeal before HHJ Scarratt in the Medway County Court there were arguments as to the correct categorisation of general and special damages, double recovery and...
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Just when you thought there was no need to attend another seminar regarding dishonesty in regulatory proceedings and then comes along Ivey (Appellant) v Genting Casino (UK) Ltd t/a Crockfords (Respondent) [2017] UKSC 67. Please click here to read 3PB barrister Jennifer Agyekum's analysis.
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The 2018 Chambers and Partners legal directory - which ranks and rates barristers and solicitors based on independent research by the publisher and direct feedback from clients - has given 3PB 34 individual rankings in this year's guide, across 12 different practice areas. Chambers and Partners’ review of 3PB mentions a “Highly regarded chambers with a national presence that has offices in London, Birmingham, Winchester, Bournemouth, Oxford and Bristol”. “The set is highly regarded by...
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