Berenice Mulvanny secures a rare Bind Over for a client charged with assaulting an emergency work
31st March 2022

3PB specialist criminal barrister Berenice Mulvanny, pictured here, successfully represented a client charged with assaulting an emergency worker, securing a rare Bind Over at Bournemouth Crown Court after the Prosecution agreed to offer no evidence in exchange for the defendant agreeing to be bound over in the sum of £400 for 12-months.
A 47-year-old woman of good character was alleged to have assaulted a police officer in Bournemouth on 22nd August 2021. Once fairly common practice, Bind Overs are rarely used now and only in the most exceptional of cases. Due to the circumstances of this particular case, on the day of trial Miss Mulvanny was able to persuade the Crown Prosecution Service, after making representations to the Judge, that this was a proper case to resolve in this exceptional way.
“The result in this case is truly exceptional and displays on Berenice’s part a closure brought about by a wealth of experience, extremely thorough preparation and outstanding determination to do the very best for her Client and Instructing Solicitor. Very many thanks indeed”- Jon Morrissey, defence solicitor.