Ben Amunwa in systematic judicial review challenge to asylum accommodation at ex-RAF base Wethersfield
25th July 2024
3PB's public law barrister Ben Amunwa is on the counsel team representing four ex-residents of MDP Wethersfield, near Braintree in Essex, who are taking legal action against the Home Secretary, claiming she acted unlawfully by housing them at the site. The asylum seekers stayed at the former airbase between July 2023, when the site opened, until February 2024, in accommodation described to the High Court by their counsel as "seriously inadequate". The Home Secretary has opposed the challenge, and said there were "ongoing improvements" to address concerns.
It has admitted that housing one of the men at the site was unlawful, but said this was an "individual error" and the base "reasonably appeared adequate" for the other three individuals. The men have argued the site was "not suitable" for them because of their circumstances, which included being victims of torture and human trafficking.
The case has attracted widespread media coverage including the BBC and The Independent.
The hearing, before Mr Justice Mould, began this week on Tuesday 23 July and is expected to conclude tomorrow Friday with a judgment expected in writing at a later date.
The claim includes complex arguments on alleged breaches of equalities duties in relation to race and disability, on which Ben has addressed the Court pursuant to the Lady Chief Justice's shared oral advocacy initiative.
Ben is led by Angus McCollough KC and his co-juniors are Shu-Shin Luh and Sarah Dobbie.