In January, 3PB’s Tom Webb appeared for the successful appellant in the Court of Appeal in the matter of Pearson -v- Secretary of State for Defence [2024] EWCA Civ 150. In this article, Tom discusses the case and the AFCS itself: required reading for those dealing with cases concerning current and former members of the Forces.
Clerk Details
- Clerk Name: Edward Holdstock
- Clerk Telephone: 01962 868 884
- Clerk Email: [email protected]
Tom is a civil practitioner specialising in personal injury, clinical negligence and related matters. He has established a busy practice encompassing both advocacy and advisory work, appearing at all levels up to and including the Court of Appeal. He is recognised as a leading junior in the Legal 500.
In personal injury matters, Tom represents both Claimants and Defendants on the multi-track. Instructions frequently concern six and seven figure claims. Tom is experienced at all stages of such litigation, from pre-action advice and drafting, through to CCMC and trial. Please refer to Tom’s personal injury page for details of recent and notable cases.
Additionally, Tom has built a substantial practice representing Defendants where fraud and/or fundamental dishonesty is alleged. Tom has much experience in the application of s.57 CJCA and CPR r.44.16.
Tom’s clinical negligence practice encompasses a wide range of claims. As well as matters arising from hospital and GP treatment, Tom has dealt with claims against a range of medical professionals including those providing cosmetic treatments. Tom has experience of clinical negligence claims arising in the context of military service.
Tom deals with various costs matters, including detailed assessments, usually following personal injury or clinical negligence proceedings.
Aside from his practice at the bar, Tom has lectured part-time at the Winchester University Law School and provided mooting coaching. He is a former Western Circuit Mooting Champion (2008) and Middle Temple Lowry Scholar (2009/10). In 2016 Tom was appointed as a panel member to the Thames Valley Police Disciplinary Tribunal. In 2019 Tom was appointed as a Fee-Paid Judge of the First Tier Tribunal and assigned to the Social Entitlement Chamber. In 2023, Tom was appointed as a Recorder, sitting on the Western Circuit.
Reported Cases
Pearson v Secretary of State for Defence [2024] EWCA Civ 150
Caterham School Ltd v Rose [2019] 8 WLUK 277
Personal Injury Add this expertise to your shortlist Tom Webb conducts multi-track personal injury litigation for both Claimants and Defendants. Tom has a wide experience of all aspects of proceedings, from early advice on liability and the initial drafting of pleadings and schedules, through to representation at trial.
Tom is recognised in the Legal 500 as a leading junior for Personal Injury.
Instructions frequently concern claims arising from road traffic accidents (including credit hire and claims against the MIB), public liability matters (including Highways Act claims), occupier’s liability and accidents at work (including noise-induced hearing loss). Where such matters have resulted in death, Tom is experienced in dealing with claims under the Fatal Accidents Act and related provisions.
Tom also has experience of matters where there is overlap with the provisions of the Human Rights Act (such as abuse claims).
Tom is frequently instructed on behalf of Defendant insurers on both the fast and multi-tracks in cases where LVI and/or fraud are alleged and has significant trial experience of such matters. Tom has related experience of appearing at committal hearings.
Aside from his PI practice, Tom deals with matters related to the PI field, including disputes concerning contracts of insurance, usually involving property damage arising from road traffic accidents.
Tom is also experienced in dealing with costs matters, usually arising from PI claims, including provisional and detailed assessment.
Similarly linked to his PI practice, Tom represents current and former service members before the War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation Tribunal. In January 2024, Tom represented the successful appellant before the Court of Appeal in Pearson v Secretary of State for Defence [2024] EWCA Civ 150; the leading case concerning interpretation of the psychiatric injury tariff within the AFCS.
Recent or ongoing high-value cases have included:
- Complex causation dispute (multiple accidents) with pleaded value of £2,000,000
- Brain injury suffered whilst working with heavy machinery
- £700,000 complex PTSD case settled at JSM
- Junior counsel in child brain injury case pleaded circa.£10,000,000
- Broken foot in accident at work with requirement for lifelong orthotics, pleaded at £500,000
- Shoulder injury at work pleaded in excess of £500,000
- Claim for breach of the HRA and in negligence following abuse by carers
- Provisional damages claim concerning 90% loss of vision in one eye
- Settlement following amputation of thumb with pleaded value circa. £800,000
- Fatal Accident claim pleaded at more than £200,000
- Representing the defendant in a PL matter pleaded in excess of £200,000; settled for £25,000 at JSM
- Road traffic accident with liability denied on the basis of automatism – settled for £130,000
- Client with brain injuries sustained in accident during a sword-fighting drill
- Multi-day liability and quantum multi-track trial (occupier’s liability)
- Complex matter about an uninsured EU-National, killed on a road in the UK, but without a personal representative in the jurisdiction
- Successful representation at appeal concerning the quantum of losses arising from a cancelled holiday
- Appeal arising from refusal to join two related claims where it is said that the alleged dishonesty in one is relevant to the other
- Appeal following strike out for failure to serve medical evidence
Recent LVI / fraud / fundamental dishonesty work:
- Success on appeal in case concerning allegation of pre-action dishonesty
- Successful defence (claim abandoned) in £250,000 claim where Claimant’s employment evidence was found to have been fabricated
- Costs recovered on behalf of Defendant insurer in employer’s liability claim that was abandoned pre-trial where Application for finding of fundamental dishonesty (CPR PD44 paragraph 12.4) was successfully pursued resulting in recovery of an enforceable costs order
- Finding of fundamental dishonesty secured at trial resulting in enforceable costs order of more than £30,000 where the key evidence was Instagram reels.
- Successful strike out of claim where LVI alleged and subsequent recovery of costs on basis that Claimant’s conduct was likely to disrupt the just disposal of proceedings
- Success at trial (for Claimant) where conspiracy alleged
- Claim pleaded at £200,000 abandoned due to surveillance evidence
- Claim including allegations of LVI, staged accident and phantom passenger. Key evidence included Facebook pages and address history
- Dismissal of claim by 3 claimants in an LVI matter
Costs and other related cases of interest:
- Successful costs appeal in provisional assessment matter
- Appearing for the successful appellant before the Court of Appeal in the leading AFCS case concerning psychiatric injury
- Representing the Defendant insurer in claims arising where vehicles had collided with a 3-bed home; an historic railway bridge and a road bridge
- Representing the Defendant at multi-track trial concerning the spillage of oil on the North Circular in London
- Written representations to the Court of Appeal in a case concerning alleged GDPR breaches and breach of contract arising from the cancellation of a contract of insurance for material misrepresentation
- Appearing for Appellants before the War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation Tribunal (and above) in claims arising from Non-Freezing Cold Injury, a heart condition exacerbated by the trauma of service, atypical facial pain, PTSD and related mental health conditions
Clinical Negligence Add this expertise to your shortlist Tom Webb is experienced in a variety of clinical negligence matters, including claims arising from dental, GP, hospital and physiotherapy treatment. Instructions have included requests to draft pre-action correspondence under the protocol, as well as conduct of matters once issued. As well as claims against the NHS, Tom has experience of claims concerning private hospitals, partnerships and the military.
Tom acts for both claimants and defendants.
Tom’s PI practice has involved matters whereby cosmetic surgery is in issue (either in terms of injury undermining such previous surgery or where cosmetic surgery is recommended in the future) and so he is well placed to deal with clinical negligence claims arising in the cosmetic field.
In 2018 Tom was instructed as junior counsel in a multi-million pound child brain injury case. The claim arises from a negligent failure to respond to hypoglycaemia shortly after birth.
Examples of more recent cases include:
- Disabled claimant suffering further harm as a result of sub-standard care; complex causation dispute value in the millions
- Junior in multi-million pound child brain injury case
- Child brain injury at birth case, presently in early stages, with pleaded value likely to be in the millions
- Further child brain injury case, arising from alleged negligence by both ambulance service and maternity unit, with value still to be ascertained
- Settled claim against dentist arising from allegedly negligent placing of implants
- Settled claim for negligent laser removal of tattoo
- Settled claim against IVF clinic concerning testing of embryos
- Bowel injury sustained during an appendectomy
- Haemophiliac suffering extensive bleed during surgery due to alleged failure to adequately plan the operation
Articles -
Pearson v Secretary of State for Defence [2024] EWCA Civ 150 – The AFCS considered by the Court of Appeal
12th Mar 2024 -
Returning to court for a personal injury trial during the pandemic
1st Jun 20203PB personal injury and clinical negligence barrister Tom Webb attended Winchester County Court on Thursday 28th May in what is believed to have been one of the first civil trials to be heard in person since lockdown began. His observations on what fellow barristers, solicitors, lay clients, witnesses and judges will be going back to in the coming weeks are set out in this article.
Fitch v Lloyds TSB Bank plc [2016] EWHC 1236 (QB)
2nd Sep 2016Does a bank who is negotiating with a customer for a sale of a financial product, owe a common law duty to advise the client about an onerous break clause? Tom Webb analyses a recent decision of the Mercantile Court that considers the scope of a banker's duty - Fitch v. Lloyds TSB Bank plc [2016] EWHC 1236 (QB).
Recommendations ‘Tom is an excellent all-round barrister. He is very knowledgeable and experienced. He knows this area of law inside out and is great on his feet.’
Legal 500 2025/ Personal Injury/ Western Circuit/ Leading Junior
'Tom is an exceptional personal injury barrister. He is extremely knowledgeable and couples a pragmatic and constructive approach with forceful and well-reasoned advocacy. He is also well liked by clients and is very empathetic.'
Legal 500 2024/ Personal Injury/ Western Circuit/ Leading Junior
Tom Webb is instructed by insurers in multi-track cases involving allegations of fundamental dishonesty.
'Tom is an excellent communicator. His advice is clear and definitive. All work prepared is detailed and always on time. Clients like him as he has a very calm manner about him.'
Legal 500 2023/Personal Injury/Western Circuit