Dorian Day 3PB Barristers e1639500219101

Dorian Day

Year of Call: 1987
Email Address: [email protected]
Telephone: 0121 289 4333

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FDR Hearing Service

Dorian is available for private remote FDR hearings. For more information on private remote FDR hearings please click here.

  • Recommendations

    Dorian Day is an experienced advocate with a strong childcare practice. He frequently acts in matters concerning serious physical abuse, as well as non-accidental injury cases.

    Strengths: "Nothing seems to faze Dorian and he instils confidence in the client."
    "Dorian is an extremely robust advocate. Nothing is too complex for him and he quickly grasps the sensitivities of any case."
    "A fabulous, caring barrister with high level of advocacy skills and much liked by clients."

    Chambers UK 2025/Family/Children/Midlands Bar

    Strengths: “He brings something unique in terms of commitment and expertise.”
    “Dorian is a really robust advocate and commanding presence in the courtroom.”
    “Dorian is a skilled advocate and often achieves fantastic outcomes in non-accidental injury matters.”

    Chambers UK 2024/Family/Children/Midlands Bar

    Strengths: “He is a very strong advocate and his cross-examination is second to none.”
    “Dorian quickly grasps complex issues and is an extremely tenacious advocate. Dorian regularly thinks outside the box and provides an exceptional level of service.”
    “Dorian has a wealth of experience and his advocacy skills are to be admired.”

    Chambers UK 2023/Family /Children/Midlands Bar

    "He's absolutely brilliant and has impeccable knowledge." "He's a very robust advocate."

    Chambers UK 2022/Family /Children/Midlands Bar

    An experienced advocate with a strong childcare practice. He frequently acts in matters concerning serious physical and sexual abuse, as well as non-accidental injury cases.
    Strengths: "An excellent all-rounder with an attention to detail." "He is ferocious. His medical knowledge is second to none."

    Chambers UK 2021/Family /Children/Midlands Bar

    An experienced advocate with a strong childcare practice, who also represents his clients in financial remedy matters. He frequently acts in matters concerning serious physical and sexual abuse, as well as non-accidental injury cases.
    Strengths: "Dorian Day’s strengths include his presence and gravitas in the courtroom and in negotiations, and his attention to detail when drafting."

    Chambers UK 2020/Family /Children/Midlands Bar

    "A very well prepared and skilful advocate."

    Chambers UK 2019/Family/Matrimonial/Midlands Bar

    Strengths: "He is an excellent all-rounder, who is calm under pressure and has a great  manner in court." "An experienced and ferocious litigator."

    Chambers UK 2018/Family/Matrimonial/Midlands Bar

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