Clerk Details

Personal Injury

Personal Injury matters comprise the mainstay of David Kemeny’s practice, and he accepts instructions from both Claimants and Defendants in all related fields.

His expertise covers road traffic accidents, claims under the Occupiers’ Liability, Highways and Defective Premises Acts, vicarious liability, employer’s liability and public liability disputes.

David is confident carrying out complex calculations of special loss, including multiple losses at varying periods and rates of interest, future loss of earnings and Fatal Accident Act dependency claims.

Examples of recent work include:

  • Advising on quantum of general and special damages where medical evidence as to physical and psychological injuries is in dispute
  • Advising on the recoverability of damages in relation a diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease following a traumatic brain injury
  • Drafting proceedings against multiple defendants in respect of injury caused by defective building works within a residential property
  • Drafting proceedings against the Motor Insurers’ Bureau
  • Trial in respect of an assault by one serving prisoner against another on the Prison Estate

Credit Hire

David is frequently instructed by both Claimants and Defendant to argue issues relating to credit hire charges.

He is available to provide training and advise on matters of disclosure.


David is developing a practice involving claims with an international element.

He has previously advised on matters of cross-border service and jurisdictional challenges, claims involving foreign insurers, and claims brought under the Montreal Convention. David also accepts instructions involving accidents abroad, including package holiday claims.

David speaks fluent French and German and has a working understanding of Danish and Portuguese.

Economic and Other Torts

David has experience drafting pleadings concerning issues of deceit, undue influence and intentional torts.



  • Articles
    • Too remote, or not too remote? That is the question Case analysis: Armstead v Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company Limited [2024] UKSC 6

      David Kemeny analyses the case Armstead v Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company Limited [2024] UKSC 6, which is of immense importance to understanding the fundamental legal principles underpinning the recoverability of damages in the law of tort, and should be read by students and practitioners alike.

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    • Electric scooters: a brief synopsis of the current regulatory regime

      David Kemeny reviews the regulatory regime concerning the use of electric scooters, in light of their growing popularity and the increasing number of trials taking place in the UK, from Truro to Teeside and Copeland to Canterbury.

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