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Ashley Blood-Halvorsen

Year of Call: 2017
Email Address: [email protected]
Telephone: 0121 289 4333

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Probate and Estates

Ashley Blood-Halvorsen (TEP) has a strong understanding of - and caseload in - all aspects of contentious probate and estates work, advising and representing individuals. Before qualifying as a barrister, she spent some time working for a firm tracing beneficiaries to estates.

She acts for clients in respect of a range of estates, from those of a modest value through to those involving substantial sums and including estates with an international aspect.  Her practice covers all areas regarding the validity of wills and testamentary dispositions, both as regards the necessary formalities and in respect of the substantive validity, and she also advises on the interpretation and construction of wills and other instruments.

Ashley has undertaken many Inheritance Act cases and has a firm understanding and extensive experience of TOLATA claims. She is a full member of STEP, and earlier earned a merit in her Taxation of Trusts and Estates exam.

Cases include:

  • Obtaining a freezing injunction in relation to monies arising out of a sale of a trust property.
  • Drafting a particulars of claim regarding breach of trust in the sale of a property from an estate.
  • Advising on and appearing in hearings for the removal of trustees and executors.
  • Providing advice regarding a beneficiaries entitlement to commence possession proceedings regarding a residential property.
  • Advising executors regarding potential inheritance act claims and claims of historic devastavit with limitation elements.
  • Advising claimants regarding inheritance act claims by:
  • Adult children and those who were maintained by the deceased;
  • Cohabitees of the deceased;
  • Spouses of a polygamous marriage entered into outside of England and Wales.

She has given talks regarding:

She can provide quantum advices for infant settlement hearings when a compromise has been made on behalf of minor children in Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 claims.

Cases include:

Re Estate of GB

Advised, and drafted particulars of claim regarding a breach of trust, fiduciary duty, devastavit and fraud of an executor. Ashley subsequently successfully represented the Claimants in a summary judgment application in the High Court.

Re Estate of JC

Part 8 proceedings regarding the construction of a clause in a will and whether or not a trust is properly constituted.

Re Estate of EJ

Advising an executor regarding potential claims on the estate from a beneficiary in Australia.

Re Estate of MS

Advising an executor regarding a 1975 claim from a polygamous wife with a severely disabled child.

Re Estate of KS

Representing the adult child who was maintained by the deceased in 1975 proceedings. Successfully resisted a strike out application in the High Court.

Re Estate of PB

Advised in a 1975 claim involving a cohabitee and a separated spouse. Questions over what formed part of the net estate.

Re Estate of PS

Advising in a 1975 claim involving a cohabitee who has a legal interest in the joint property. Dispute about whether the applicant is entitled to a life interest.

She is willing to consider matters on a Conditional Fee Arrangement in appropriate cases. Ashley also routinely appears in mediations for her clients.

  • Recommendations

    “It has been great to co work with Ashley on a very complex and contentious case. I cannot recommend her enough for her technical knowledge and skill. I was even more impressed with Ashley’s attitude to the case and that she was just as passionate, as I am, in order to get the best result for my client. My client and I felt the case was safe in her hands and I will definitely be briefing her again in the near future.”

    Richard Port MBE, ​George Green LLP

    “Thanks very much for the advice.  Please pass on my thanks to counsel – prompt, straight to the point, clear and professionally done.”

    Oxfordshire Solicitor

    "I do not have Ashley’s contact details, but could you express my thanks to her? I did so after the court hearing, but she did so well and was so friendly beforehand when we discussed the relevant details that I would like again to express my appreciation of her work."


    “A quick message to say thank you again for your thorough preparation and representation today. Count on getting instructions again. I find you listen to explanations, take on board background information, and good to get along with.”

    Bruce Turner, Chapman & Chubb

    “I really enjoyed working with you last week - you are clearly skilled in achieving that necessary balance between legal argument and pragmatism. I hope we’ll have another opportunity before too long.”

    Senior Mediator

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