Another bumper for 3PB’s Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence team in this year’s legal directories
19th October 2023

3PB’s Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence team has a lot to celebrate this month. Fresh from organising their inaugural PI and Clin Neg conference in Southampton this month – an all-day conference attended by 140 solicitors – the team can now enjoy its excellent set of results in legal directories the Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners 2024.
Achieving a total of 18 rankings across four Court Circuits (London, the Midlands, South Eastern and Western), the team has once again achieved a Top Tier ranking for Personal Injury in the South Eastern Circuit and a Tier 2 ranking in the Western Circuit in the Legal 500 and a Band 2 ranking for its Personal Injury team in Western in Chambers and Partners.
Clients’ feedback speaks for itself: “3PB is simply a fantastic chambers with a real specialty in personal injury claims. They punch well above their weight and are regarded as on a par with, if not better than some, London sets. They have a fantastic spread of exceptional personal injury barristers at all levels” and praised as “a very helpful and friendly set of chambers, always willing to go above and beyond to accommodate client’s needs”.
The clinical negligence team is rated for “both injured claimants and defendant organisations in connection with a broad spectrum of matters, often involving complicating factors such as contributory negligence or missed diagnosis”.
Our “brilliant set of clerks” is praised for its “excellent service”... “simply the best in class. They will do everything to add value/deliver the best customer service in town” ... “David Snook and Edd Holdstock are stand-outs” and “Natalie Bryan is wonderful”.
Head of group Michelle Marnham said: "This year again our team has been rewarded for what it does best: delivering skilled advocacy and advice to our defendant and claimant clients. I am very proud to lead this outstanding team.”
We thank our clients and referees for taking part in the research and acknowledging our skills, capabilities and service over the past year.
Our many congratulations to our ranked members: Mark Lomas, Hamish Dunlop, Michelle Marnham, Duncan McNair, Richard Wheeler, James Trumble, Tom Webb and Eloise Turnnidge.