Alexander Whatley "road-tests" the Aston Martin distributor case
18th January 2024

3PB's commercial and property barrister Alexander Whatley has "road-tested" the findings in the recent Aston Martin case concerning breached payment obligations under agency agreements, Aston Martin MENA Ltd v Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd.
The article, published behind a paywall for LexisNexis account holders only, analyses the partially-successful claim against Aston Martin Cars, the well-known luxury car manufacturer, by its exclusive distributor in the Middle Eastern, North Africa and Turkish (‘MENA’) region. LexisNexis account holders can read the full assessment of Alex's here.
The issues in dispute related to rival interpretations of ambiguous clauses, how they related to the agreement as a whole and whether the claimant had validly terminated the agency agreement. The decision also assessed numerous allegations on the scope and content of the duty of good faith in relational contracts. The court found that the claimant had been entitled to terminate the agency agreement for non-payment.
You can contact Alexander Whatley on [email protected]. To instruct him, or see about his availability, please contact his clerk David Fielder on [email protected] or by calling him on 020 7583 8055.