Alex Hodge speaks on parental alienation at the 2024 Wiltshire Family Justice Board Conference
27th June 2024

3PB family law barrister Alex Hodge, pictured here, is speaking on parental alienation at the 2024 Wiltshire Family Justice Board Conference, chaired by HHJ Wright, today Thursday 27th June 2024.
Alex is the only barrister selected to speak at the conference and does so alongside the Rt Hon Lord Justice Baker, Lady Lansdowne, Naomi Owen of law firm Wansbroughs LLP, Juliana Tomegea and Rhiannon Thomas from Swindon Borough Council (SBC), Katy Burch from the Institute of Public Care at Oxford Brookes University, Owen Coombs, Helen Tubb & Ceri Evans from Dad’s Matter Too, and Kate Worthington and Anjali Gupta from Adoption West.
Alex Hodge was counsel to the applicant in the long-running case of GG (A Girl) & Anor. Re (2024) EWFC 101 (B) which was recently reported and in which the question before the court was whether it should order a s37 report to see if the local authority would issue care proceedings. This was against the recommendations of the Children’s Guardian. The Court decided a s37 report was required. 3PB's Elisabeth Hudson acted for the respondent father.
If you wish to instruct either Alex or Elisabeth, or see about their availability, please email [email protected] or call Rob Leonard on 0330 332 0773.