Aaron Mayers offers advice and tips for future pupils in Counsel magazine
16th September 2021

3PB’s second six pupil Aaron Mayers (pictured here), who is undertaking a pupillage in commercial and chancery law, has featured in Counsel, sharing tips and advice on pupillage applications and for those starting their pupillage later this year.
Aaron shares his own personal advice including how to cope with any pressure during pupillage and advice on developing as a pupil. He also offers counsel to applicants on drafting your pupillage applications and answering the competency-based questions. A must-read for all future pupil barristers.
Check out Aaron’s ‘Advice for pupils commencing pupillage in 2021’ on page 14 and ‘Applying the “So what?” test when drafting pupillage applications’ on page 30 here.
Aaron is also Executive Vice Chairman of the charity, ‘Bridging the Bar’ which is committed to the promotion of equal opportunities and diversity at the Bar at all professional levels.
To contact Aaron Mayers, please email him on [email protected] or to instruct him on a particular matter, please email his clerk Patrick Robson on [email protected] or call him on 0330 332 2633.
The pupillage pages of the 3PB website also contain other guidance on all aspects of preparing for pupillage. Click here to view these videos and tips for a successful application and what a 3PB pupil receives in terms of funding, training and development.