3PB's highly regarded team of family law silks offer a full range of services. They have expertise in financial remedy cases, private law children applications and in care and adoption.

They provide skilled advice and representation in all tiers of Court up to the Supreme Court.

The 2020 Legal 500 directory described Liz McGrath QC as ‘An exceptionally knowledgeable silk at the forefront of financial remedy in the region’ and in 2019 as ‘A heavyweight in family proceedings and a very popular advocate in the Birmingham community,’ and noted ‘She is a great advocate and has client care skills’.

Vanessa Meachin QC is described in the 2020 directory as ‘An outstanding advocate who provides awe-inspiring written work’ and in 2019 it was said that: "She is brilliant. She is great with clients and her real skill is that although she has the most complex cases, she is able to distil matters down and make it simple for the judge'. ‘She is known for her careful and detailed preparation. A confident and experienced advocate.'

FDR expertise

FDR hearings provide a pivotal opportunity for settlement and cost -savings. They require meticulous preparation, excellent negotiation skills and good judgement. Our skills have the experience and expertise required to make these hearings effective and have a reputation for obtaining excellent results.

Early Neutral Evaluation

Early Neutral Evaluation works in tandem with the court system and is a private form of FDR hearing. It is held either in chambers or at a venue of your choosing.

The many benefits for clients include:

  • Cost effectiveness
  • Limited delay
  • Greater flexibility with dates
  • Private FDRs can be conducted at any stage during the court process
  • Choice of venues to suit all parties
  • A range of issues can be dealt with at one appointment.

Experience in the conduct of FDR hearings, knowledge of case law and a feel for likely outcomes based are all required for effective early evaluation. Our silks have the skills, and the experience needed to assist to parties engaged in the difficult process of sorting out financial matters on divorce. Realistic and early advice is essential to achieving the best outcome and we are delighted to be able to offer this invaluable service.

How it works

The process of the private FDR is almost identical to the current court FDR process. At the FDA (First Directions Appointment) the parties indicate their intention to attend a private FDR and the court is asked to list the case for a one-hour directions appointment after the private FDR has taken place.  At the directions hearing which follows the judge can either approve the agreement or give final directions for further hearings.

Anything discussed during the meeting is without prejudice, so it cannot be referred to at future hearings. Without prejudice correspondence will also be considered at this stage. Guidance is given as to the likely range of outcomes, potential strengths and weaknesses of each case, and advice given how the parties can move forward and settle their case.

If settlement is achieved, Heads of Agreement will be drawn up and at the later Directions Appointment the court is asked to approve a consent order, which will be binding on both parties in the usual way.

Contact Ian Charlton or Robert Leonard for further information or to discuss availability.