William Webster and Robert Weatherley of 3PB write textbook on "Restrictions on the Use of Land"

14th November 2016

3PB is pleased to announce that William Webster and Robert Weatherley, barristers with chambers, published a book titled "Restrictions on the Use of Land” by Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing Ltd on 14 November.

The informative book (approximately 700 pages in length) comprises sections on easements, village greens, public rights of way, restrictive covenants, assets of community value and elements of planning law.

The book also contains a Foreword by Lord Neuberger PSC: “A book which analyses and explains this complex law in an authoritative, up-to-date, practical and clear way is to be warmly welcomed. William Webster and Robert Weatherley deserve warm thanks for having produced such a book.”  

Chambers congratulates William and Robert on their huge achievement.