3PB's Katie Lee explores the question of a breach of natural justice within the context of adjudication in light of a recent TCC judgement.

10th October 2016

In “The Not so Wild West: Generating Trust and Reducing Perceived Unfairness in Adjudication - Beumer Group UK Ltd v. Vinci Construction UK Ltd [2016] EWHC 2283 (TCC)", Katie Lee explores the question of a breach of natural justice within the context of adjudication in light of a recent TCC judgement.

The case involved  allegations that an adjudicator had breached the principle of natural justice by failing to disclose that he was involved in an adjudication between one of the parties and its sub-contractor on the same project, at the same time as conducting an adjudication between the parties to the main contract.

To view Katie's article, please click here.