Mathew Gullick appears in UK Supreme Court case on scope of asylum appeal right

22nd June 2016

Mathew Gullick appeared as junior counsel for the Home Secretary in the UK Supreme Court in the case of MS (Uganda) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] UKSC 33.  Judgment was handed down today, 22 June 2016.

The Supreme Court ruled that the right of appeal against a refusal of asylum contained in section 83 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (prior to its amendment by the Immigration Act 2014) did not apply in the case of an asylum seeker whose claim to refugee status was refused but who at the time of the refusal continued to have leave to remain in the United Kingdom for a period of one year or less.

The Supreme Court’s judgment is available here:

To view Mathew Gullick's profile click here.