Louis Weston, 3PB Sports Law barrister, considers whether technological advances in sports equipment is cheating or evolution

3rd June 2016

Louis Weston, Sports Law Barrister at 3PB, has written a two part article analysing the dynamic interaction between technology and sport and whether technological advances in equipment has opened up new means of cheating. In these two informative articles he also reflects how sports governing bodies can regulate the adoption of technological improvements for legitimate sporting advantages and how it may be possible to police and sanction any cheating.

Louis is an experienced sports law advocate and Head of 3PB’s Sports Law Group. He is recognised as one of the UK’s leading sports barristers, frequently appearing before Disciplinary Tribunals and acting in the High Court and Court of Appeal in sports law cases.  He advises both regulators and the regulated on their obligations and disputes in sports law,  in addition to the form and structure of their Rules.

To read Louis’ articles, please see:

