Frank Feehan QC speaks on Radio 4 in the matter of N (Children) [2016] UKSC 15. (On appeal from: [2015] EWCA Civ 1112)

18th April 2016

Frank Feehan QC advised the Respondent (ZN – father) in the matter of N (Children) [2016] UKSC 15. The issue in the case was whether the future of two young girls should be decided by the UK courts or by the authorities in Hungary, both children being nationals of Hungary. The Supreme Court decided that jurisdiction lies with the courts of the member state where the child is habitually resident, in this case England

To read the full Judgement please click on the pdf below.

Frank Feehan QC (Call 1988) is an experienced family law barrister who advises on all aspects of family law including matrimonial finance, children and Court of Protection issues. He is a door tenant with 3PB.