3PB Family Law Brunch with The Parenting Apart Programme - 27 March at 11am on Zoom

The 3PB family law team would like to invite you to our next family law brunch on Thursday 27 March at 11am for one hour, with The Parenting Apart Programme.
Our webinar will be hosted by 3PB family law barrister Andrew Duncan and Senior Social Worker and Parenting Apart Consultant Kam Kaur.
Andrew Duncan will present the case of Re C [2024] (Change of Given Name) EWCA Civ 1582, a Court of Appeal case concerning a child who wanted to change their forename from a gender specific name to a gender neutral name, in which Andrew was successful.
Kam Kaur will consider 'Helping families through separation: how support for parents can help them focus on the child.'
We would be delighted to see you on Zoom. Please register above so that we know we have enough Zoom spaces available.