Local Authorities and Inquests: Navigating the Coroner's Courts

 Tuesday 17th Oct 2023  

 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

 On Zoom

CPD: 1

Price: FREE

Local authorities and inquests webinar

Local Authorities and Inquests: Navigating the Coroner's Courts

Tuesday 17 October, 11am for one hour - on Zoom

You are invited to attend 3PB's Inquests Team webinar on Navigating the Coroner's Courts.

Heads of 3PB's Inquests team Sunyana Sharma and Susan Jones will be providing helpful tips and guidance for Local Authorities on how to prepare for pre-inquest reviews and a final inquest. Topics of discussion will include:

  • Inquests affecting Local Authorities
  • Preparation before an inquest: communication, disclosure and witness statements
  • Preparing for the final hearing

Time will be set aside for questions and answers during the session but feel free to submit any questions in advance when registering on Zoom.

Venue Information

On Zoom