Laurie Elizabeth Ketley

Laurie-Elizabeth Ketley

Year of Call: 2022

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Laurie-Elizabeth Ketley is a pupil barrister whose pupillage covers family and civil law. She joined 3PB in October 2023 and works from our Birmingham office. Laurie is a first-class degree student who acquired distinctions in all her modules. Following this, Laurie continued her studies with the University of Law, Birmingham, and obtained a distinction in her master’s degree. In addition, she is a Baroness Hale of Richmond scholar, which is the most prestigious prize awarded by Gray’s Inn.

Following the successful completion of her first six, Laurie-Elizabeth is now on her feet and available to take instructions in her own right, both to appear in court and on advisory matters. Since commencing her second six months of pupillage, Laurie has represented local authorities, guardians, and parents in a variety of public and private law matters, including being led in the Court of Appeal in the notable case of Re P and E (Care Proceedings: Whether to hold a Fact-Finding Hearing) [2024] EWCA Civ 403. In addition, she has experience in representing individuals in financial remedy matters.

Prior to pupillage, Laurie worked at multiple solicitor firms in both family and civil departments. She helped manage and progress cases from initial client contact through to their conclusion. A partner at Willsons Solicitors described Laurie as ‘incredibly hard-working, dedicated to everything she does, conscientious, and a person who can be trusted implicitly’.

Laurie is an excellent communicator, which she learned through her previous employment and voluntary work with several pro bono clinics and the Citizens Advice Bureau. In addition, Laurie participated in the Digital Justice Project, where she helped create the first virtual reality courtroom and designed a free app for vulnerable clients to aid access to justice.

Laurie-Elizabeth has won several advocacy competitions, including the Gary Slapper Memorial Moot, and she was a finalist for BPP’s ‘Advocate of the Year’ competition.

Outside of work, Laurie-Elizabeth enjoys spending time with her family, hiking and paddle-boarding’.