3PB announces Charities of the Year for 2023

14th December 2022

3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings) has named the Stroke Association and the Multiple Sclerosis Society as its chosen Charities of the Year for 2023.

These charities have special meaning to some of our members. The Stroke Association supports in rebuilding the lives of those who’ve had a stroke with specialist support, campaigning for better knowledge around care and support, and funding critical research. To learn more about The Stroke Association, click here

The Multiple Sclerosis Society has been nominated by family barrister Elizabeth HepworthElizabeth HepworthCall: 2004, whose son was diagnosed with MS while still a young man and who, despite having the relapsing remitting form of the condition, manages (when in remission) to windsurf to a semi-professional level all over the world, cycle and compete in triathlons. The Multiple Sclerosis Society works to provide support and information to those affected, as well as funding world-leading research into stopping MS. Click here to learn more about the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Rather than sending out printed Christmas cards, at 3PB, we have favoured an ecard, with donations made to each of the two charities. If you would like, and are able, to donate to either charity, please explore the following links:

The Stroke Association

The Multiple Sclerosis Society