Regulatory law barrister Sunyana Sharma volunteers for Advocate

5th October 2021

Sunyana Sharma 560x670 1 e1605281103262

3PB’s specialist regulatory law and inquests barrister, Sunyana Sharma (pictured here) recently assisted on a criminal law matter for the pro bono charity of the Bar, Advocate.

Sunyana’s client was extremely thankful to Sunyana and sent the following feedback to Advocate - “Ms Sharma was extremely professional, supportive and helpful. We had a positive outcome at court and she worked on my case throughout her annual leave which I have nothing but respect and deepest thanks for...the service from beginning to end has been flawless. This has made a very stressful situation a lot less stressful.’’

Advocate is supported by The Bar Council and helps to find free legal help from barristers. To find out more, please visit the Advocate website here.

To find out more about Sunyana’s expertise in criminal and regulatory law, please email her clerk Gemma Faulkner on [email protected].