September 2020 3PB Education law newsletter

21st September 2020

Welcome to the second edition of the 3PB Education Team’s newsletter, edited by Matthew WyardMatthew WyardCall: 2014 and featuring contributions from Caroline StoneCaroline StoneCall: 2005, Katherine AndersonKatherine AndersonCall: 2005, Emma WaldronEmma WaldronCall: 2011, Sarah BowenSarah BowenCall: 2006, Naomi WebberNaomi WebberCall: 2017, Alice de CoverleyAlice de CoverleyCall: 2014 and news about Emma Waldron, Matthew Wyard and Hannah Bush.

The past few months have been packed full with news and changes for the sector, with some of the most interesting changes for years, both from a political and legal perspective. Editing this quarter’s newsletter therefore, has been an unenviable experience.

Read the newsletter here.

In terms of news, as with most workplaces, all of chambers annexes were shut for some time although, have now begun to cautiously reopen. There have been multiple judicial appointments across chambers, including in the Education Team, and Emma Waldron, Alice de Coverley and Matthew Wyard have been involved in extensive discussion and work regarding the A-Level examination fiasco.

The substantive articles from Caroline Stone give an in-depth consideration of the upcoming changes to the SEND Regulations, as well as considering the recent decision in Shaw v Secretary of State for Education.

Katherine Anderson reviews the decision in Somerset County Council v Secretary of State for Education.

Low arousal environments and a legal update on the same is provided by Emma Waldron in her article, which was first commission and published by Lexis PSL.

Equality Act claims are commonplace in the education world. Expert discrimination barristers Sarah Bowen and Naomi Webber provide a comprehensive update on two recent Employment Appeal Tribunal decisions which will be of note to education practitioners.

Matthew Wyard also take a look at the draft Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill which was recently presented to the Senedd.

We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter as much as the team enjoyed preparing the articles.