3PB celebrates Silks Day for Jodie Mittell KC

24th March 2025

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Barristers and staff from 3PB’s six national offices joined together today to celebrate the new silk status of Jodie Mittell KCJodie Mittell KCCall: 2004Silk: 2025 (pictured here outside 3 Paper Buildings in London with her clerks Stuart Pringle and Lee Giles).

Liz McGrath KC, Head of Chambers at 3PB, said ‘‘I would like to congratulate Jodie on her well-deserved appointment to Kings Counsel. This is a very special day for Jodie and us, and to be able to come together in our Temple offices and celebrate her appointment as a new Silk.’’

Jodie Mittell KC was called to the bar in 2004 and specialises in criminal law. To find out more about Jodie's expertise or to instruct her, please contact her clerks Stuart Pringle on [email protected] or Lee Giles on [email protected] or call them on 01962 868 884.