3PB Barristers achieves ISO 14001 accreditation
7th July 2022

3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings) has been awarded the environmental standard ISO 14001 by an independent accreditation body.
Achieving the globally-recognised ISO 14001 : 2015 standard is affirmation of 3PB’s commitment to developing and implementing environmental policies and working to meet specific objectives.
3PB’s Chief Executive Simon Astill said: “We’ve long been conscious of our moral obligation to be as environmentally conscious as possible and I’m delighted that chambers has gained this accreditation. By measuring our impact as a chambers with six centres across the UK we can document our progress towards our clearly-defined goals which are all centred on minimising our impact on the environment.
“The ISO 14001 standard has helped us to develop our approach and show that we are taking our commitment to environmental issues seriously and not just paying lip service to it. As well as green issues being important in their own right, the significant commitment that we are putting in to maintaining this status shows that we are a proactive organisation and that we understand just how critical environmental issues such as sustainability are to wider society, including to our clients.”
3PB Barristers is also a member of the Bar Sustainability Network, a Bar Council initiative run in conjunction with Achill Management, a sustainability consultancy with expertise working with the legal profession. The network provides a range of services and support for chambers, Inns and others with the aim of helping members to transition to a more sustainable way of working.