3PB Barrister Vanessa Meachin appointed Silk
26th February 2018

3PB family barrister Vanessa Meachin was appointed Queen’s Counsel in the new Silk appointments during a ceremony at Westminster Hall today.
Vanessa becomes 3PB Chambers' thirteenth Silk, and her appointment strengthens the set’s exceptional family law practice group. She was one of the original barristers - alongside fellow family Silk Liz McGrath QC - to join 3PB’s new Birmingham offices from rival chambers St Philips.
This appointment recognises Vanessa’s long-standing reputation as a top-ranking family law specialist who combines care, adoption, matrimonial finance and private law children act applications with a strong court of protection workload. She appears frequently in complex and sensitive cases involving children in private and public law areas in the Family Division and Family Court. She represents parents, children and local authorities. Vanessa’s substantial financial remedies caseload routinely involve substantial assets, corporate assets and issues relating to land and foreign property. She also deals with cases involving financial provision for the family on death and financial provision for children.
Vanessa has consistently been a highly ranked family barrister in both Chambers and Partners and the Legal 500 directories. She sits as a Recorder on the South Eastern Circuit.