3PB advises on Bear Grylls Survival Race case and injuries in organised leisure and sporting activities
26th November 2021

3PB’s Makhsudul Islam (pictured here), a former solicitor-turned-barrister who specialises in personal injury and clinical negligence, has analysed the case of Harrison v Intuitive Business Consultants Limited (T/a Bear Grylls Survival Race) & Others [2021] EWHC 2396 (QB). The case concerned liability in respect of injuries arising from participation in the ‘‘Bear Grylls Survival Race’’.
By way of background, in 2016, the woman claimant - who was 54 years old at the time - was a participant in a “Bear Grylls Survival Race” - sought damages for personal injuries and consequential losses after falling from an obstacle created for the race. As a result of the fall, she suffered very serious injuries to her leg and shoulder.
After assessing the risks, the court found that a failure by the defendant to give appropriate instruction would not have been found to cause the accident. The court held that the claimant’s injuries were not caused by any fault of the defendants and that these types of accidents were an inherent risk of participating in obstacle races. No amount of care and vigilance could remove the possibility of these risks materialising from time to time.
This case and its analysis are a must-read for all personal injury law specialists as it provides helpful guidance for leisure businesses, operators and those subcontracted by them on their liability for accidents and injuries that occur for participants and customers.
Read the full article on Harrison v Intuitive Business Consultants Limited (T/a Bear Grylls Survival Race) & Others from barrister Makhsudul Islam, who has already built up a busy court practice of trials, interlocutory hearings and drafting.
Makhsudul is a 3rd Six pupil barrister with a strong following already and is regularly instructed by tier 1 defendant insurance law firms and leading regional and national commercial law firms. Prior to coming to the Bar, Makhsudul practised in litigation for leading international firms specialising in personal injury, so brings a wealth of experience and understanding of private practice.
To find out more about Makhsudul’s experience in this area, please email his clerk, Practice Director Dave Snook on [email protected] or call him on 01865 793 736.