12-month sentencing powers for magistrates reversed – but why?
14th March 2023

Oliver Hirsch, criminal law and personal injury barrister at 3PB Barristers (3 Paper Buildings) discusses the abolition of the 12-month sentencing powers given to magistrates last year.
In May 2022, the maximum custodial sentence that the magistrates’ court could hand down for a single either way offence doubled from 6 to 12 months, however this has been revoked less than a year later, with the 6-month limit coming back into force on 30 March 2023.
Oliver examines the implementation of the policy and the degree to which it was successful in reducing the Crown Court’s post-pandemic backlog.
To read Oliver's full analysis, please click here
Oliver Hirsch has a strong criminal practice, work both on behalf of defendants and the prosecution. To contact Oliver, please email Stuart Pringle at [email protected] or telephone 01962 868 884.