Tanya Zabihi, Chair of FLBA, hosts summer drinks party in Bristol

4th July 2016

Tanya Zabihi, Chair of FLBA and Deputy Head of 3PB's Family Law Group, hosted a successful summer drinks party in Bristol at the end of June. The party was well attended by members of the Judiciary, local FLBA members and solicitors from private practice and local government and Mr Justice Baker gave an interesting and informative speech at the event. Much needed funds were raised during the evening for the Bread Youth Project, a Bristol based charity which runs projects and activities for and with young people across Bristol.

Tanya is an experienced family law barrister with over 27 years of experience working in the field of children and family law and is regularly instructed by local authorities, parents, guardians and adopters. She also specialises in child, education and court of protection work and is qualified to advise members of the public and professional clients under the Public Access scheme.