Richard Owen-Thomas advises the British Amateur Gymnastics Association (BAGA) in the formal disciplinary procedure involving Louis Smith MBE

29th June 2016

Richard Owen-Thomas, one of 3PB’s employment and regulatory barristers, advised the British Amateur Gymnastics Association (BAGA)  in the recent formal disciplinary procedure involving Louis Smith MBE for a breach of the BAGA Standards of Conduct over social media posts. The respondent, Louis Smith, admitted failing to display high personal standards commensurate with his role in sport.

To see the BAGA formal statement regarding the disciplinary process, please see:

Richard Owen-Thomas (Year of Call 2000) advises and represents clients in professional negligence and employment law issues and regularly appears in regulatory proceedings in front of professional organisations, such as the BAGA and the health and acre Professions Council. He is qualified to accept instructions direct from the public.